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with Victoire of Vatel

Vatel Nimes
Who am I ....

Bonjour ! Je suis responsable clientèle intern et donc ancienne Vatelienne mais je reste tout autant concernée par votre inscription au sein de cette école. N'hésitez absolument pas à me poser des questions, même les plus difficiles ! J'ai effectué des saisons à Paris, en Espagne, et à Cannes, Arles et Megève.

Speaks in: enfr
nice to meet you
It is never too late to discover something new. Come visit the school, the hotel, the residence and our people. You will always encounter big smiles, high hopes for the future, and passionate students. Don't forget to sign up for one of the school's visit and discover our world !
Come discover our extravagant personalities behind our strict uniforms
There are many ways for you to get informations regarding your future with us. You can come visit our 5 schools in France, of course, to have a better idea ! but hey, if that isn't possible, don't worry, we also travel to you (or at least closer to you!) Throughout the year, come meet us in different cities on student exhibitions. We always like to chat and share with you our journeys (by the way we love to overshare, but at least you know the full truth of the amazing experience we are having !)
A school that understands your personality
I do believe students nowadays wish to be understood by school superiors as student's expectations have changed and evolved. In Vatel, everyone is included and taken care of. Be it by the help to find an internship that suits YOU, the teacher's patience and hard work to make us learn the challenges that the industry faces, adults (being at the school or at the hotel) that are passionate and ready to help professionally or personally...: Vatel guides you and stay with you before, during and after your studies. It is more than just a school where you make connections, it is one big family ! Come meet the students and they will tell you about how it all started
Easter at Vatel
Here in Nîmes, the student council is doing its best to keep entertaining its students. Was organized an egg hunt for everyone to enjoy chocolate made earlier by students in Pastry. Oh, meet our bunny !
Roadtrip to Arles
What happens to our students during this pandemic? As organizing activities is complicated right now, French students of Vatel Nîmes volunteered to give a tour of their hometown to some international students. What a way to make the most out of anythin

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with a student of Vatel

Life at school, organization of courses, selection of internships, relationships with professionals ... to find out everything inside, chat with a Vatel student.

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Open Day Nantes
Saturday, 14 September 2024
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